Just a quick reminder that we will be having our annual Social Mow on the meadows of Dyfed Permaculture Farm Trust, near Newcastle Emlyn, Carmarthenshire, on Sunday 13th July.
This is a chance for mowers experienced and novice to meet fellow scythers, share mowing tips and tricks, and have some fun mowing in a beautiful wildflower meadow, all followed by a bring and share lunch. We have a small amount of equipment available to borrow if you want to have your first go with a scythe.
We will be mowing from 8am until about 12pm (or before if the grass runs out!). Join us when you can. Please bring food to share for lunch. Overnight camping is available.
Volunteers are welcome for the weekend and for the following week, with work in exchange for meals and accommodation on a WWOOF type basis. Please contact us for details.
Please email for directions, or see http://dyfedpermaculturefarmtrust.org.uk/contact-us/