Social Mow 2014

We had our annual Social Mow on Sunday. A couple of people had camped over the night before and we began mowing soon after 8am. We didn’t have blazing sunshine, but the cooler, damper conditions did make the mowing easier.

Phil and I mowing together

Phil and I mowing together

We were joined by others throughout the morning and had an enjoyable time mowing and chatting. As well as plenty of Austrian scythes we were joined by Jim, mowing with an English style scythe which he has been using on his small holding in Ceridigion for 4 years.

Jim and his English scythe

Jim and his English scythe

As well as the flowers and grasses, there was plenty of wildlife in evidence in the field, including frogs, toads, a glow worm and a striking Elephant Hawk Moth.

Elephant Hawk Moth

Elephant Hawk Moth

We finished up with a bring and share lunch at 1pm. As people departed for their journeys home, Phil and I returned to the field to start the process of turning the cut grass into hay. More to follow in the next post.